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An Introduction to Cold Water Therapy

  • Clifton Grange Farm Studio Blackpool Road PR4 0XL United Kingdom (map)
Kerry, one of Caroline's clients sits in a Lumi Pod Max ice bath wearing a blue bikini and a woolly hat, smiling

Are you slightly intrigued by what cold water might be able to do for you (even though you hate being cold)?

Have you heard about all the benefits and wonder if they could be true?

Or perhaps you’ve met someone who raves about it and wonder what all the fuss is about?

Whichever it is, you are in the right place!

People have been using cold water therapy for YEARS - it just didn’t have a name, or require anything special. It was NATURAL. In fact, it still is in many countries! But here in the UK, we have forgotten what extreme temperatures feel like. If we are hot, we put a fan on. If we are cold, we turn the heating on. And this comfort is killing us.

We are designed to experience extreme temperatures. It does us the world of good.

It feels great.

However, it certainly doesn’t feel natural to us any more.

It feels cold. It feels dangerous. It feels scary.

I get it. And I am here to help.

An Introduction to Cold Water Therapy is a group experience to introduce you to cold water therapy – focused around mindfulness and resetting the nervous system, along with practical information and safety tips.

Over the course of 3 hours, you will cover the science, the safety and the mindset that will help you reap the benefits of cold water therapy for years to come. This isn’t a one-off-nice-to-experience-never-do-it-again kind of thing. It is a workshop to educate and inspire you to build cold water in to your day to day to life and do it safely. Knowing how to get in, when to get out and what to do before, during and after to keep you safe and help you reap the benefits - physically, mentally and emotionally.

“I feel uplifted and energetic. My mind feels clearer and I’m more smiley. I feel invigorated. I never thought it would be so much fun or so uplifting to sit in a bowl of water.”

You will be welcomed into the group by Caroline Thompson who will gently guide you through the process, including:

  • Acclimatisation - how to enter the water safely

  • Breath control - simple breathing techniques to help you stay in control

  • Basic medical parameters - easy checks for you to do every time you dip to ensure your safety

  • Working within your body's limits

  • Fear release and mindset work - understanding the mind:body connection

  • Basic, easy-to-understand explanations of cold water shock, after-drop and hypothermia and how to avoid them

  • Warm up routine

  • Recovery - how to take care of yourself after each session

Your optional cold water dip will take place individually and completely privately - no need to undress in front of anyone else.

All dips are undertaken in a Lumi ice bath - a portable insulated pod - and you will be assisted into the pod by Caroline, who will also be on hand to guide you through the process (and hand you your towel afterwards).

"experienced my first cold water session today... wow it's so good, felt so nervous & scared going in , Caroline was amazing, I felt so safe & held, she listened to all my mind chattering & reassured me every step of the way. afterwards...... my brain felt so clear and my whole body felt alive."

Cold water therapy may not be suitable for people with heart conditions, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, covid, or if you are pregnant. Please seek professional medical advise from your GP if you are unsure of any other conditions you may have.

All participants will be required to complete a medical form and disclaimer upon booking.

”Physically I am feeling energised, mentally I feel more focused and emotionally I feel proud of myself for doing it.”

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An Introduction to Cold Water Therapy

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